क्या आप भी Stitching सिखके हर महीना 10K to 20K Earning करना  चाहती है?

अगर हाँ, तो मेरा New Course आपके लिए बिलकुल Perfect हैं। इस Course की मदद से आप सीखेंगी Designer suits, Salwar, Blouses, PlazoKurtis and 2 Designer baby Dress Stitch करना सीखेंगे।
आज ही Join करें मात्र 499/– में

हाँ मैं भी Stitching सीखना चाहती हूँ और अपने घर से ही अपना बिज़नेस चला सकते है और इस कोर्स के मदद से अपने घर का खर्च चला सकते है, और अपने Life में Growth करना चाहती हूँ।

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जैसे ही Time Zero होगा इस Course का Normal Price Rs. 1499 हो जाएगी

ये Course बनाया हैं Mamata जी ने, जिन्हें 4 सालो से अधिक का Experience हैं। इस Course को करने के बाद:

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जैसे ही Time Zero होगा इस Course का Normal Price Rs. 1499 हो जाएगी

About Fdskill Director

Mamata, the master Designer of Dress, has been teaching professionally from the past 4 years, She has trained more than 8000+ Students pan INDIA by Online/Offline Classes and has also assisted in multiple Designer Dress. She has always inspired and supported students who dream to work and earn like professional Designers.
Mamata, founder of Fdskill runs Fashion Designer Academy in Delhi. After conducting hundreds of practical classes, She has trained countless students who dream of growing in the Fashion industry. Now after his Past experience and continuous efforts, She has launched first ever Best and the Cheapest Professional Certified Stitching making online course.
Which would help thousands of women sitting idle at home to learn and work professionally as Tailor. She dreams of creating a Tailor from each and every house pan India. She completely believes in women’s empowerment and also tries his best to help those who wants to explore their creativity in this valuable online course to help women work as professional Tailor and also upgrade their skills in Stitching and making designer Dress.

Fdskill ने हज़ारों लोगों को Stitching सिखाई हैं। सुनिए हमारे कुछ Students क्या कह रहे हैं.

Approved by Government​

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जैसे ही Time Zero होगा इस Course का Normal Price Rs. 1499 हो जाएगी

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